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Library Code Map

library-code-map.png library-code-map.png


Simply clone this repository in Android Studio Giraffe or above and build the project.

Module Details

flaker-domain: Contains the domain of the Flaker library, used by other modules, including network requests and user preferences. 🏠

flaker-data: Contains the data layer of the Flaker library, used by other modules to access locally stored data. All persistent data should be kept here. 📊

flaker-okhttp-core: Core module containing the functionality to intercept network requests and simulate network conditions using OkHttp Interceptor. 🌐

flaker-ktor-core: Core module containing the functionality to intercept network requests and simulate network conditions using Ktor. 🌐

flaker-android-ui: Contains reusable UI elements and components for the Android companion app. 📱🎨

flaker-android-okhttp: Contains the companion app that gets installed as a part of the library. This should be used for apps that use OkHttp as their networking library. 📱📡

flaker-android-ktor: Contains the companion app that gets installed as a part of the library. This should be used for apps that use Ktor as their networking library. 📱🌐

flaker-android: Contains the companion app that gets installed as a part of the library. This should be used for apps that use both OkHttp and Ktor as their networking library. 📱📡🌐


We use detekt for static code analyis and a job is setup in github actions to run it on every PR. You can run it locally using the following command:

// For android related changes
./gradlew detekt

// For iOS related changes
./gradlew detektMetadataIosMain

// For common code changes
./gradlew detektMetadataCommonMain

If you want to detekt to auto correct some of the stuff, please add the flag --auto-correct to the above commands.


If you've found an error in this sample, please 🚩 file an issue.

Patches are encouraged and may be submitted by forking this project and submitting a pull request. Since this project is still in its very early stages, if your change is substantial, please raise an issue first to discuss it. 🤝